Safety and comfort for our littlest learners

Environment has a profound impact on a little person’s development. Give children a space where they can feel safe, stimulated and purposeful, and there’s a good chance that everything else will naturally fall into place.

In this blog post, we’re going to shine a light on some of the things we do here at Kiddywinkles to create a safe and engaging learning environment.

Finding the sweet spot between structure and flexibility

It’s no secret that children thrive on routine. Routine is a way of establishing expectations, normalcy and security. It’s the antidote to a child’s fear of the unknown. A familiar, predictable environment supports healthy social development in early childhood and helps equip children with the tools they need to regulate their feelings and behaviours.

At the same time, it goes without saying that everyone is different - and a routine that works for one child may not necessarily be the right fit for another.

What does that mean in practical terms? Here at Kiddywinkles, we go to great lengths to find the elusive sweet spot between routine and flexibility. Our early childcare programmes are carefully designed with predictability in mind, taking uncertainty out of the equation and ensuring our little learners feel confident about what happens next. 

Within these programmes, however, there is ample space for children to shape their own curriculum according to their unique interests, as well as the flexibility to accommodate sleep times and meal times if these day-to-day requirements don’t quite fit our planned agenda. 

Stimulating curious minds

Children are like sponges, soaking up all the information from their environment and learning how to make sense of it. 

Before the age of three, information is absorbed continuously, automatically and indiscriminately. Learning to sit, stand and walk, for instance, are the result of imitation more than a conscious effort. 

From three onwards, children begin to pass into the conscious stage of development. Information is still easily absorbed, but children begin seeking out specific information as they build on their newly developed abilities - think things like sequencing, numbers, letter sounds and music.

Regardless of where your child is on their learning journey, the space they occupy and the activities they engage in are hugely influential on their overall development. At our childcare centre, we’re proud to offer a wide range of engaging activities designed to stimulate curious minds and give children the opportunity to learn new things and practise new skills. 

Some of these activities include:

  • Language play: Books, storytelling, language/literacy games, music and movement, dancing and puppets.

  • Family and dramatic play: Dress ups and props.

  • Creative play: Playdough, clay, painting, art and collage.

  • Manipulative play: Blocks, puzzles, threading, construction sets.

  • Physical play: Running, ball games, balancing and climbing equipment, sandpit.

  • Exploratory play: Water, sand, science and nature, learning about the living world, natural materials.

  • Constructive play: Carpentry and junk play.

  • Cognitive games: Maths games.

Building key relationships

For our littlest learners, safety and comfort are shaped by the people in their lives. The people they interact with on a regular basis - whether it’s friends, family, or teaching staff - directly influence how they think, feel and learn.

Community matters. That’s why we go above and beyond to provide an environment where children feel safe and empowered to build strong, trusting relationships with the people around them. Cultivating healthy social skills and establishing a strong sense of belonging provides tamariki with a solid foundation to start developing robust communication, thinking and problem-solving skills, which they will continue to develop and refine in the years ahead. 

Contact the leading early childcare centre in Auckland

If it sounds like Kiddywinkles could be the right fit for your family, we encourage you to visit us. We’re proud of the inclusive environment we’ve cultivatedand we’d love the opportunity to show you around and answer any questions that you may have. 

For more information, give us a call today on 09 832 1212, email or fill out our online enquiry form and a member of the team will be in touch with you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!


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